Kingdom Business Course OUTLINE
Virtual | Weekly [LIVE] Mentoring
course outline

Frequently asked questions
Do i have to live on the central coast to do this course?
No. The course is facilitated primarily online via Zoom. While we do meet once a month in person, we will also be streaming live via Zoom, for those unable to attend. If you don't live on the Coast, but would like to meet 'live' please contact us to discuss options.
what is the format?
This is a 25-module live coaching program that is delivered across several platform options. The course will be facilitated primarily LIVE online via Zoom. There will be opportunity for real time discussion, course facilitators will be online for you to ask any questions. We will in person (once a month) over a meal and to network with each other.
When Does it start?
The Course starts on Monday 8 March 2021 @6.30pm. We will meet every Monday (during school term) for 25 weeks. There will be an end of year Gala Dinner at the conclusion of the Course.
Who is this course aimed at?
The Kingdom Business Course is designed for established and emerging entrepreneurs who desire to see their enterprises and faith life go to another level. You could be a business owner, consultant, entrepreneur or looking to start your own business.